Waking up with dry eyes can cause discomfort and set a less-than-ideal tone for the rest of your day. Dry eyes are a common eye condition that can affect vision comfort and sometimes feel like sandpaper when you open your eyes in the morning. An eye exam and dry eye assessment can determine the underlying […]
Are Coloured Contacts Safe?
Coloured contacts are a fun option to try, and they can be used safely when you take care of them and follow your optometrist’s directions. […]
Is Diabetic Retinopathy Reversible?
Diabetic retinopathy develops when high blood sugar begins to damage blood vessels in the retina. Over time, they can become damaged or blocked. Once damage to your vision is done, it cannot be reversed. However, there are treatments available to help manage diabetic retinopathy. […]
Can an Optometrist Diagnose Glaucoma?
However, just because there may be no symptoms, that doesn’t mean there are no signs. Your optometrist has the tools and knowledge to diagnose glaucoma, even in these early stages. This is why regular eye exams are so important, especially as we age. […]
Can You Wear Daily Contacts for More than a Day?
Daily disposable lenses are particularly popular because of their convenience and hygienic qualities. But daily contacts aren’t designed to be worn for more than one day. […]
What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?
Cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cancer are just a few diseases or conditions that an eye doctor can detect during an eye exam. […]
Do Contact Lenses Expire?
Contact lenses do have an expiration date. […]
What Are the Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration?
The warning signs for AMD can include blurry vision, difficulty seeing in low light, and faded colours, all caused by loss of central vision. […]
What Is a Diabetic Eye Exam?
Eye exams are essential for protecting your eye health and vision, especially if you have diabetes. Patients with diabetes need more frequent eye exams with a focus on their eye health, known as diabetic eye exams. These eye exams are vital for managing diabetes effectively, but what is a diabetic eye exam, and why might […]
How Long Does Cataract Surgery Take?
As you age, cataracts can develop and progressively cloud your vision. Your optometrist typically does not recommend surgery in the early stages; however, as cataracts progress and your vision becomes affected, surgery may be the only option to restore your vision. While the exact time may vary, cataract surgery typically takes no longer than an […]